
Confidentiality & Privacy Policy

Confidentiality and Privacy are terms that are often used interchangeably. However, confidentiality is a legal concept where information is given to a person under an obligation to keep the information confidential. Privacy refers to the expectation that one’s personal details are not shared or made available to other parties or used for the purposes of marketing and promotions (eg phone numbers, emails etc).


In the event that a person is deemed at risk of harming themselves or others, there is a duty of care to act upon that information. While not always legally mandated to report, it is the policy of this clinic to respond as if they were mandated where there risk is identified. Regulations and Acts that support the disclosure of information that may have been given in confidence include, but are not limited to, The Children, Youth and Families Act (2005) and Mental Health Act (1983). In addition, to meet the requirements of communication with Medicare in relation to your Mental Health Care Plan or other partially funded programs, it may be necessary to share some basic information with Medicare or your Doctor.


Privacy in Australian law is: ”the right of natural persons to protect their personal life from invasion and to control the flow of their personal information. Privacy is not an absolute right and it differs in different contexts and is balanced against other competing rights and duties. The following Laws may apply to the handling of your personal information and disclosure: Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic); Health Records Act 2001 (Vic); The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic).

This Clinic does not share or sell any individual or group information to other parties. All information is kept in accordance with law. Personal details are not used for the purposes of marketing unless specifically requested or authorised.

Cancellation Policy

We understand that on occasions illness and incidents interfere with our intended schedules and appointments. Usually these occasions are unavoidable. However, for optimal treatment outcomes it is important to try to adhere to the recommended schedule for counselling appointments. Intermittent and frequently cancelled and rescheduled appointments are not conducive to developing a therapeutic relationship or desired progress.

24 hours notice is requested for cancellation and rescheduling. Fees may be incurred if insufficient notice is received to cover lost income, costs and time that were set aside for the appointment.  Full standard fee applies for all appointment s cancelled/rescheduled under the 24 hours notice unless unavoidable.

Likewise attempts are made to give you as much notice as possible in the event that your appointment needs to be rescheduled. Usually this would only occur due to illness or incident.

Late Arrival for Appointment:

If you are running late for an appointment please try to phone ahead to let your counsellor know. Consultation will commence on your arrival and finish at the original scheduled time to ensure other clients are not inconvenienced. Full standard fee applies.