Children And Therapy
The most common childhood disorders seen at our clinic are ADHD, ADD, RAD, ASD. A few of the most commonly cited distressing symptoms parents witness are emotional meltdowns, reactivity, violence/aggression, poor concentration, social isolation (due to behaviour), impulsive behaviour, and insomnia.
These behaviours often result in social isolation and exclusion from social activities, anxiety, and low self-esteem and confidence. Parents and siblings also suffer as a result of the behaviours and negative attention, often resulting anxiety/depression.
There are many benefits for a child if symptom intensity is reduced so that if medication is needed, only small doses are required.
Neurofeedback has long been recognised as and effective treatment for symptoms associated with ADHD and other childhood disorders of emotion and concentration. LENS neurofeedback in particular has been very successful in reducing symptom intensity often allowing the child to participate more effectively in other therapies.
Other therapies we offer children are breathing techniques with visual feedback (rewards); iLS (integrated Listening System); and meditation and mindfulness practices for children.