Infra Low Frequency (ILF – Othmer Method)

ILF Neurofeedback training is simple, painless, and non-invasive. We apply sensors on the scalp and EEG activity is the brain is sent to the computer. The computer processes the signals. Visual and sound feedback is provided instantly back to the participant to that they can see and hear representations of their brain in action. As your brain recognizes itself, based on this information, certain types of brain waves are limited and others increased with the goal of increased resilience and flexibility. 

Information about the brains activity and the goals to achieve are presented to the person in the form of a video game or movie. The person is effectively playing a video game with his/her brain. Eventually the cues presented via the game shapes brainwave activity toward more desirable, more regulated performance. The frequencies that we target, and the scalp sites chosen by the practitioner to monitor the brains activity, are specifically chosen according to the conditions they are trying to address, and also specific to the individual. 

Often we are asked by both adults and children how they can alter their EEG; what does he/she actually do to control those brain waves? The answer is nothing – you cannot intentionally or consciously control the EEG. the participant only needs to relax and just watch and listen – his/her brain will not the information from the program including hints and cues that guide the brain to progressively adjust and/or re-organize its neuronal function.

How Many Sessions?

Because neurofeedback training is a learning process for the brain, adhering to a consistent, weekly training schedule is a critical element of achieving positive training outcomes. regularity of training is particularly necessary within the first 10-15 sessions. 

Below are some general hallmarks of training against which a client can compare their progress to a typical training trajectory:

  • Within the first 3-5 sessions the clients optimal training frequency is discovered. During this period of time it is not uncommon for the positive effects of training to wane between sessions. 
  • Between sessions  5-10 most if not all, of the initial training sites will have been added to the training program. By this time the waning of training effects has typically receded and the brain has learned to maintain its progress over the course of the week between sessions. 
  • Between sessions 10-25 progress is being maintained and the brain is consolidating the learning it is gaining in sessions. Some new sites may be added during this time if new goals are identified. During this stage of training, often clients will carry their training effects without experiencing waning even if they go two weeks between sessions. 

It is expected that every client will require a minimum of twenty hours of training (approximately 25 session) to maintain effects of training once training has been discontinued. Clients who are titrating

Sue and Siegfried Othmer: About Neurofeedback




Chronic Pain


Peak Performance