QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram)
QEEG, or Quantitative Electroencephalogram, is a neuroimaging technique that measures the electrical activity of the brain. It is a non-invasive method that records the brain waves using sensors placed on the scalp. QEEG has gained popularity in recent years as a tool for identifying brain dysfunction and assessing treatment efficacy.
QEEG is often used in the assessment and treatment of a wide range of neurological and psychological conditions, including ADHD, depression, anxiety, traumatic brain injury, and sleep disorders. It can provide valuable information about brain function and help clinicians develop effective treatment plans tailored to individual patients.
In QEEG, brain waves are analysed using computer algorithms, which allow for objective measurement and analysis of the data. The analysis provides information about the frequency, amplitude, and spatial distribution of the brain waves, which can be used to identify abnormalities or patterns that are associated with specific disorders.
One of the key benefits of QEEG is that it provides a way to objectively measure brain activity, which can be useful in tracking treatment progress over time. It can also be used to identify subtypes of disorders and help clinicians develop more targeted treatment plans. For example, QEEG has been used to identify subtypes of ADHD based on the pattern of brain wave activity, which can help clinicians select the most appropriate treatment for each patient.
To summarize, QEEG is a neuroimaging technique that measures brain activity using sensors placed on the scalp. It provides objective data about brain function that can be used to identify abnormalities, track treatment progress, and develop targeted treatment plans. QEEG is a valuable tool for clinicians working with patients with neurological and psychological disorders, and its use is likely to continue to grow in the coming years.

Raw EEG: the first stage of the assessment is the measurement of the brainwaves with eyes open and eyes closed.
The raw data is analysed through various software to provided topographical images conveying absolute (compared to normative database) and the relative power of the brainwaves (to each other).

ICA (Independant Component Analysis) and Loretta are other tools that help provide a visual marker of areas of the brain of interest.